
Black Silicon Photodiodes:
Technology, Advantages and Use Cases

Black Silicon Photodiodes: Technology, Advantages and Use Cases

An enlightening webinar exploring the advantages and applications of black silicon photodiodes. ElFys CEO, Dr. Mikko Juntunen, along with our Project Manager and Co-founder, Dr. Juha Heinonen, will delve into the unique benefits of the technology and discuss different use cases in sectors such as analytical instruments, wearable health measurement and defence sensors. We will also highlight some new ongoing development projects such as the 4-quadrant detector product development.

Key Topics:
- Introduction to black silicon photodiodes
- Technological benefits and innovations, use cases and applications
- Overview of the 4-quadrant detector development project

Meet the Speakers

  • Strong experience in developing, industrializing and selling science based innovations.
  • Several inventions patented, publications in top journals like Nature.
  • Experience of starting new companies and units within existing ones.
Project Manager
  • Vast expertise on the entire black silicon photodiode fabrication process.
  • Publications in top journals like Nature.
  • Doctoral degree from Aalto University (Espoo, Finland) with black silicon photodiodes as the topic of the thesis.

About the Presenters:
Dr. Mikko Juntunen, CEO of ElFys, brings extensive expertise in photonics technology. Alongside him, Dr. Juha Heinonen, Project Manager and Co-founder of ElFys, will provide in-depth insights into the practical applications and technological advancements of black silicon photodiodes.

About ElFys: ElFys provides light sensors with sensitivity better than anything seen before, literally catching every ray of light. The technology greatly improves any light sensing application ranging from health monitoring to analytical instrumentation and security X-ray imaging. The superior performance of ElFys photodetectors is based on an inventive combination of modern MEMS nanotechnology and atomic layer deposition. The core technologies are patented and in the possession of the company.

About ElFys' patented technology:
Most light sensing technologies capture about two thirds of light rays, whereas ElFys’ technology can capture all of them. The Black Silicon Induced Junction Photodiode provides superior sensitivity over a wide spectral range, especially in the ultraviolet, as well as an ultra-wide viewing angle. The increased sensitivity provides improvement potential to any applications where light needs to be measured.